Haunt-Tober 31 Days of Giveaways!! (Updates!)

Hello, Beasties!

It is almost that time of year again! Our favorite eerie season!

Once again I will be publishing an article/review/podcast or video a day.

But this year I will also be doing 31 days of giveaways! Because I want to give back and make it fun for my readers! Not to mention, we all deserve a little horror love this time of year!

I’d love to give people plenty of time to enter so that each day I can pick someone by random so I’m including the entry form now!

There will be quite a variety so it should be fun! Physical gifts (movies, collectibles, comics, swag), virtual, and a few surprises! LETTERBOXD Patron subscription anyone?

Thank you all again for coming to my site and celebrating my third Haunt-Tober!!

Enter here!

Rules: Enter on the submission form. It is possible to win more than once!

All winners will be featured on the site and given our discord!

All prizes will be sent within 15 days of the winners picked!

All come with a personalized note.

All that’s required is a shoutout when received and answering questions in submission form (promise they are all fun!)

Disclaimer: if you aren’t comfortable with being featured on the site or in any collaboration gift ideas please let me know and we can find something else for you!

Please be respectful and kind in your responses. This is a small site that is close to my heart.

You can find the entry form here. The deadline to enter is October 15th!

Good luck!

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